Week 2 - Cackling Farts!
Girl with a Basket of Eggs (artist unknown) from the collection of the National Museum in Warsaw.
It’s week 2 of the Colony of Avalon’s Great Colonial Cook Off and we’re making ... drum roll please .... cackling farts (a.k.a. eggs) and cheese or, as we’re calling it, a 17th century frittata. Up for grabs? A gift box of assorted Jumping Bean coffee and teas which we will happily ship to our winner’s door or mailbox.
The original recipe comes from Giles Rose’s A Perfect School of Instruction for the Officers of the Mouth (I kid you not!), first published in 1682:
Beat a dozen egg with half a pound of Milan cheese grated, season it with pepper and bake it in a patty pan, with clarified butter, over a soft fire and when it is baked, serve it away without anything about it.
And here’s a modern translation:
4 eggs
160 grams (6 oz) freshly ground parmesan cheese
Freshly ground black pepper
25 grams (1 oz) butter
- Preheat your oven to 160 C (325 F)
- Whisk the eggs lightly in a bowl,. Add the grated cheese and season well with black pepper.
- Melt the butter in the bottom of a 15 cm (6 inch) oven proof dish.
- Pour in the egg mixture and bake for 20 minutes or until it has risen slightly and is a light, golden brown.
- Eat immediately.
So what are you waiting for? Get cracking and remember .... Post a photo of your eggs and cheese on the Colony’s Facebook, Twitter or Instagram feed, or a helpful hint in the comment section of this website, and you’re automatically entered to win this week’s prize. Deadline for submissions is midnight Wednesday, July 27, 2016.